Saturday, February 16, 2013

My technology skills are improving...

My technology skills have skyrocketed since starting this course.  At the beginning I was so far behind others it wasn’t even funny.  Now I’ve discovered Web 2.0 tools which I’m really excited about.  Working in our groups allowed us to see many Web 2.0 tools without visiting all of the sites. We were able to read the summaries we posting which made me immediately want to dive in.

My Campus-Supervised Internship Activities are coming to a close.  I’ve finished all of my hours but am a little behind on my reflections.  I’ve been able to do so many things that I now feel like I know so much more than I did last school year.  Many of the committees I joined throughout my internship I’m still on because I enjoyed being involved and I want to know every aspect of everything part of the school so I’ll feel comfortable once I get an administrative position.

I have my topic, I’ve done the research, and I have my framework; I just need to start typing up my Action Research Paper and put the finishing touches on it.  I won’t go into details but my project is based on tier 2 interventions and whether or not they benefit our students. 

My technology skills are improving, my reflections need to be written, and my paper is nearly finished.
EDLD 5352 Web Conference  Reflections

This is the first course where we've been required to attend web conferences.  I admit in my past classes I didn't always attend and just read the transcripts the next day.  The three conferences I've been to have been very beneficial.  So much so I think Dr. A is tired of reading my questions.  The good thing is that I got an answer to every question and it paid off in the end.  The first conference was the most beneficial because it helped me to form my group for this course.  The remaining conferences let me ask questions and clarify expectations before I turned my assignments in. 

The thing that helped the most through these weekly conferences weren't the questions for this class but the questions that others asked about the program itself.  I was able to get more information about the LCE, ILD Training, and graduation requirements without looking on the Lamar website.  All in all I think I would have taken more away from each class if we were required to attend these conferences.  I enjoyed this experience.