Saturday, February 16, 2013

My technology skills are improving...

My technology skills have skyrocketed since starting this course.  At the beginning I was so far behind others it wasn’t even funny.  Now I’ve discovered Web 2.0 tools which I’m really excited about.  Working in our groups allowed us to see many Web 2.0 tools without visiting all of the sites. We were able to read the summaries we posting which made me immediately want to dive in.

My Campus-Supervised Internship Activities are coming to a close.  I’ve finished all of my hours but am a little behind on my reflections.  I’ve been able to do so many things that I now feel like I know so much more than I did last school year.  Many of the committees I joined throughout my internship I’m still on because I enjoyed being involved and I want to know every aspect of everything part of the school so I’ll feel comfortable once I get an administrative position.

I have my topic, I’ve done the research, and I have my framework; I just need to start typing up my Action Research Paper and put the finishing touches on it.  I won’t go into details but my project is based on tier 2 interventions and whether or not they benefit our students. 

My technology skills are improving, my reflections need to be written, and my paper is nearly finished.
EDLD 5352 Web Conference  Reflections

This is the first course where we've been required to attend web conferences.  I admit in my past classes I didn't always attend and just read the transcripts the next day.  The three conferences I've been to have been very beneficial.  So much so I think Dr. A is tired of reading my questions.  The good thing is that I got an answer to every question and it paid off in the end.  The first conference was the most beneficial because it helped me to form my group for this course.  The remaining conferences let me ask questions and clarify expectations before I turned my assignments in. 

The thing that helped the most through these weekly conferences weren't the questions for this class but the questions that others asked about the program itself.  I was able to get more information about the LCE, ILD Training, and graduation requirements without looking on the Lamar website.  All in all I think I would have taken more away from each class if we were required to attend these conferences.  I enjoyed this experience.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

AR Project - Rough Draft...putting the pieces together

Action Research Report Components
·         Using the following eight outline elements, write your paper at the end of this assignment document in the space entitled Draft Action Research Project Report.
a.    Title – Provide a clear, brief title that describes your Action Research Project. This title should describe what you are trying to find out, not what you think you will find.  (5 points)

TITLE – Is an Elective Worth the Grade?

b.    Needs Assessment – Indicate how the need for an improvement was determined. Note the data collected to support the need. Present the data in a disaggregated manner in terms of ethnicity, and gender. (5 points)

I have recently switched districts/campuses.  Until about two days ago I planned on sticking with the same action research topic I had decided on months ago.  On Thursday afternoon my campus principal finally persuaded me to change topics.  We have a small population on our campus that seems to report low raw scores on their state assessments in recent years.  Due to the budget cuts and the lack of volunteers we’re are unable to provide quality tutoring sessions afterschool like we used to.  In the past my district had implemented a program where 30-50 struggling students would staff afterschool for “9th period”.  This program provided tutorials, transportation, & snacks for those students.  Since this is now unavailable we had to think of a way to get this same quality of differentiated instruction to our students.  After coming to my new campus and looking at the data we have a small percentage of students that scored a raw score range of 2-14 on their math STAAR exam and a 5-17 on their English STAAR exam.  We need to do something about this.

c.    Objectives and Vision of the action research project. (ELCC 1.1) – After completing the needs assessment, develop a vision relating to the improvement needed and develop an action research project that includes measureable objectives in terms of expected results. (5 points)

Our campus vision is to take these students and provide the tier 2 & 3 instruction they need.  They will have weekly measurable check points in math and English.  For those tier 3 students, we have a number of teachers that will work with them one-on-one weekly and work on the areas of need for those particular students.  The objective for this year is to get these students out of our Learning Power classroom and improve their upcoming test scores.  The goal for this year is to have at least 75% of these students meet the state expectations on the exam that they had trouble with in previous years (English or math). 

d.    Review of the Literature and Action Research Strategy – Apply Best Practice to Student Learning (LCC 2.3) – Review recent literature related to the topic of your research project. The research should support why your action research plan would be described as a best practice or possible solution to improving achievement or culture. The review of the literature should be written in APA style with a reference page listing the sources. Explain the decision making process for implementing the action research project. Who was involved? What was considered? What decisions were made? (5 points)

Since I have changed my campus/district, I’ve changed my action research topic.  I have been unable to find the appropriate research to back my topic since this officially because my topic yesterday morning after a long discussion with my site-supervisor.  He has informed me that he is extremely interested in the results and plans on doing some of his own research.  We plan to collaborate and compare the sources we find.  I expect by early to late November I will have had time to look through a number of sources and find the appropriate ones for this assignment. 

e.    Articulate the Vision (ELCC 1.2) – Describe how you communicated the vision of the action research project to staff, parents, students, and community members. (5 points)

Students and parents are all aware of the steps we are taking to improve our students understanding, along with their scores.  In lieu of an elective, students were placed in a Learning Power classroom.  This class is designed so that the students take charge of their learning and understand their strengths and focus on the skills that they may be lacking.  Our main focus of study is math, science & English.  Parents are in constant contact with the teachers and given updates every three weeks on the progress of their children.  Students do have the opportunity to place out of Learning Power and be placed back in to an elective of their choice if they show significant improvement. 

f.     Manage the organization (ELCC 3.1) – Describe the strategy used for organizing the implementation of the project noting responsibilities given to self and others and how you managed any monies, time, materials, and people. Give examples of how you put a priority on student learning and safety. (5 points)

The management part of this project comes fairly easy to me.  When I moved to this campus they decided to start this program.  This program doesn’t cost the school any extra money since the students are participating in it during the school hours.  After getting rid of the block schedule two years ago for math and English, teachers now have less time to spend with the students in the classroom.  In lieu of an elective, students are placed in a Learning Power classroom to focus on their specific needs.  The course is designed around each individual student.  As teachers of these classes we have organized a separate folder for each student and this helps us and the student see what they’re at and what skills they’ve mastered.  In other words, it enables the students to take charge of their own learning.  I am straightforward with my students and I tell them how it is and where they stand.  When the students receive the truth and realize they can do better there is a surge of motivation that runs through them.  So I guess you could say that the students help me manage this program.

g.    Manage Operations (ELCC 3.2) – Describe the strategy used to lead the operations of the project and set priorities. Include a brief description of how you used the needs assessment, data, group process skills, built consensus, communicated, and resolved conflict. (5 points)

Before the year began all of the teachers associated with the Learning Power classes got together and tore through an enormous amount of data.  We looked at each individual student, each subject, and each level of mastery for each TEK.  Without the communication between grade level and department teachers this program could not be possible.  I am in constant contact with the core subject teachers to ensure that my students are steadily progressing and reaching their weekly goals.  I also make it a point to communicate to the students that this class isn’t a permanent solution.  They all know that they could easily be placed back into an elective if they show continuous improvement and prove to me that they can be organized while taking charge of their own learning.

h.    Respond to Community Interest and Needs (ELCC 4.2) – Describe how the action research project will serve the needs of students with special and exceptional needs and students with diverse backgrounds (cultural, ethnic, economic, or special interest groups) Elaborate on methods used to address any specific needs of the school or community. (5 points)

This last school year our campus was given Acceptable status.  This is unacceptable to us, because we know we’re better than that.  As a district we need to improve in the areas of math and SPED.  So, these learning power classes have mixture of general education students along with SPED students.  While focusing on the subjects of math, English, and science we’re also improving/focusing on our SPED population.  The Learning Power classes that have been constructed have a blend of cultural, ethnic, economic and special needs students.  There parents/guardians are kept up to date with through emails and three week progress reports.  We’re a very open campus and encourage the parents to contact us on a regular basis.  This is a program that will take care of multiple birds with one stone if you will.  I’m extremely proud of what we have accomplished in just a few short weeks and can’t wait to see how the rest of the school year goes. 

Monday, February 13, 2012

Action Rearch Plan

Action Planning Template
Inquiry: My research question:  What is the relationship between students’ participation in athletics and their success in middle school?  Are the results the same for both genders?  If no improvements are seen in the data, should we get rid of athletics to save money?

Goal: To provide data to all stakeholders to insure that athletics is in fact a program we need to keep in place.  To show that it does in fact raise grades and improves behavior and that we need to make room in our budget for such programs. 
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Have a conference with my site supervisor to discuss my final action research topic

J. Dorhauer
Assistant Principal
Review my three topics and settle on one
Gather data for the 8th grade class dating back since 5th grade

J. Dorhauer
Counselor & Campus Secretary
Compile to lists Athletes and Non-Athletes
Gather  and review literature based on the topic

J. Dorhauer
Google, Yahoo, Campus Library, Local Public Library, Archive Newspapers
Create a spreadsheet or power point explaining my findings
Compile the 8th graders final benchmarks, test scores, and marking period grades
J. Dorhauer
Eduphoria, Campus secretary, and the school data based
Add this to the already existing data and divide data into four different grade levels (5th-8th)

Compile data and draw conclusions on athletes vs. non-athletes.

J. Dorhauer
Grade level teams leaders and Campus documents
Create a power point comparing grade level by grade level showing gains/losses for athletes and non-athletes
Present findings to grade level team leaders, department heads, and administration
J. Dorhauer
Compiled data from literature, grade level benchmarks (TAK & STAAR)
Create a power point and an excel spreadsheet showing the progress/lack of progress for male and female athletes.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

How can educational leaders use blogs?

Having a blog can open up the doors of communication.  Successful communication can do wonders for a campus/district.  Email has solved many communication problems over the years.  We no longer have to constantly meet or call each other.  In fact most business is done through emails and text messaging.  Blogs offer a new way to communicate.  It is like a conference call online.  Unlike a conference call that has two, four, or even seven people, a blog can be something your entire campus is a part of.  Blogs are a way to share new ideas and information with one another.  You’re able to post pictures, attach websites, or even videos.  Blogs have the ability to be the social networking sites of your campus/district.  They are just sitting there waiting for educational leaders to step up and start using them.

What is action research and how can we use it?

Action research is a new concept for me.  Until now I’ve always thought research was research.  Since I have been introduced to this through scholars such as Nancy F. Dana I couldn’t see myself doing anything else once I become a principal.  Action research and inquiry allow professionals to look at themselves and make what they do better.  Showing your staff that you care about your education and that you continue to learn should spark some interest in their learning behaviors as well.

I’ve realized that action research is something you have to commit to because it takes time.  Time is not an administrator’s best friend, but it is something they have to deal with.  When you begin to question, that is just the beginning.  This is when time comes into play.  You need to set aside time each week or even daily to find research and data to help you with your “wonderings” (Dana, 2009).  Once you or your campus leadership team answers some of the questions then you will be able to implement them.  Perhaps by implementing something based on your questions you may change your campus/district for the better. 

Action research can be used for all sorts of things.  Anything from policies, passing rates, attendance, or discipline.  The question administrators and teachers need to ask themselves is how can I make my campus and my students learning experiences better than what they are now.  Inquiry and action research is different from traditional educational research because it comes from the teachers/staff.  Action research works from the inside out instead of the outside in.